We build personalized fitness programs while concentrating on Specificity, Education, and Maximizing Efficiency .
- Specificity
- Your exercise program is written with your personal goals in mind while taking into consideration what your physical condition will allow.
- Education
- Fitness specialist are degreed with an exercise physiology background. A deep understanding of the human body allows our team to provide quality programming.
- We pride ourselves on staying current with methods, modalities and research so we are able to provide innovative and safe programs while still keeping our clients motivated.
- Our belief is to not practice outside of our scope. We build each of our programs with tried principles and periodization which are results driven.
- Maximizing Efficiency
- As time has become one of our greatest assets, if not the greatest asset, we at Houston Fitness Institute continuously strive to make efficiency our highest priority.
- We attain results in the most productive way by combining a balance of strength training and cardiovascular exercises with an appropriate intensity for each client throughout every workout.
- We take into consideration the time, frequency, and economical commitment of each client to provide a results oriented regimen.